Why to Check Into Federal IT Contract

If you are considering working with the federal government, you may be wondering what exactly a federal IT contract is. You may have heard the term used before, or maybe you don’t really know what it means. IT contracts are terms of agreements you make with the federal government when you agree to provide a good or service to them.

With so many agencies that outsource with GSA FITARA, it can be hard to determine which agency has the particular IT contract you are looking for. Since the passing of the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) back in 2014, the GSA has become an even more important resource for agencies looking for IT products. Although the FITARA has made it easier for agencies to find the right IT contracts, there is still some confusion regarding the different IT contract types available. Which type of contract an agency should use depends on its needs. Here is a breakdown of the different IT contract types offered through FITARA.

Federal contracts and IT in general have always been a hot topic. US agencies are required to buy IT services and products through contracts that offer the best value for the government's dollar. The Office of Federal Procurement Policy, an office of the Office of Management and Budget, has overall responsibility for policy and oversight of federal government acquisition. The goal of the Federal IT contract is to make your life easier when it comes time to find a service provider.

In the last decade, there has been an explosion of outsourcing in the United States. Whether it is in the private or public sector, companies have been moving to outsource their operations to cut costs, increase efficiency, or return more value to shareholders. This has been particularly true in the federal government, where there is often a great deal of overlap between the purposes of the government and those of the private sector.


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