Overcome Challenges & Win Federal Sales in the Government Market

Some business leaders avoid the business-to-government segment because they think the process seems too complicated, the sales cycle too long and time-consuming, and the chances of getting success are too slim. Don’t worry the landscape of federal sales has changed dramatically over the years. 

In fact, winning federal sales are easier than you think. Some companies’ products and services are not a good fit for the federal government of the United States. More and more businesses should be exploring federal sales as a revenue stream.

You need to meet all the requirements of the federal government to obtain government contracts. We are here to discuss how you can overcome challenges and win federal sales in the government market successfully. So all the information that you will be gathering from this piece of content will be really valuable to you. So keep reading…

Selling to the federal government is easier than you think

Once you manage to make the first few sales, the federal government will continue spending money with you which will help your business to reach new heights in generating revenue.

If you follow a systematic process then you will not feel the complexity of the process and methods. For that reason, conducting research is essential before you get into generating federal sales. The federal government gives contracting opportunities to those contractors and businesses who have obtained enough experience.

Therefore, you need to follow the procedures in a systematic manner and be eligible for government contracts. Once your business gets certified and all the necessary tasks get done your business will reach a point time where you will be dealing with the federal agencies. By dealing with the federal agencies and keeping the required or preferred products and services you can secure government contracts.

In fact, nowadays doing business in the federal market is safer than doing business in the private sector which is full of uncertainties and has almost no perks.

Things you need to know for winning federal sales

There are certain crucial things or elements that you need to check and learn to win federal sales and these are:

·       You need to check the timelines and expectations when working with the government.

·       You need to learn how to sell directly to the federal government.

·       You have to know the things that most government contractors tend to struggle with at an early stage.

·       You also need to learn to identify and build your channel.

·       Learn how to identify government programs and federal government buyers.

·       Learn how to form a team with other government contractors.

·       Know about sub-prime relationships.

Overcome the biggest challenges of doing business with the government

So you have the products and services that could be a perfect fit for the federal government. You must be wondering, what’s next? Most business owners and executives do not understand the concept of B2G sales. That may be the reason why federal sales are full of misconceptions that prevent businesses to get into the market. It is often heard that the sales cycles of the federal sales are remarkably lengthy and considered time-consuming. Let’s discuss the challenges.

There are four major problems that hold businesses and contractors back from achieving success in federal sales. If you can tackle these four major challenges then you can be in a better position in the federal market.

Not speaking the same language

There can be a big language barrier. It is because the government uses a lot of jargon and the paperwork is heavily dotted with acronyms. We understand it is not the language that you are used to. It is because most of us don’t communicate or learn in that way in life. Whether it is branding, marketing, or lead generation, campaigns need to be done from a proper perspective to communicate correctly.

Not understanding the scale

It is a fact that the purchasing power and size of the U.S. government are massive. Most people don’t have any idea how big it is as they have no idea about the purchasing scale of the government of the United States. No commercial organization comes near the scale of the government organization. The government of the United States is considered to be the biggest buyer in the world right now.

Not knowing the rules

Rules are rules, there is no second alternative path in the government sector. The rigidness keeps the businesses and contractors in discipline and keeps government organizations away from uncertainties. The federal acquisition regulation consists of more than 2000 pages. Practically there are at least 60 different ways to buy and sell your goods and services without competition or an RFP process.

Not having the network

Building a large government network is critical. Getting access to the influential network is also challenging. You have to contact the right people and know the rules of their departments and roles. You also need to understand the priorities and the pain points.

In order to build a network or get access, it is crucial to understand the hierarchy based on their titles and rank. 


If your approach is correct and if you focus on all the major concerns then winning federal sales will not be a big deal for your business. Your business should have the potential to tackle and overcome the challenges which will get you success in the federal market.


Also Read:

Know How To Prepare and Bid On Federal Government Contracts In 2022

Building A Federal Marketing Plan


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